september 07, 2016




Last Sunday we went for a walk in Brussels and had lunch with just the four of us. Things were pretty busy the last couple of weeks so we needed some family time. We walked around our favourite neighbourhood and ate at our fave place, Chicago Café where the kids can play while we, parents, got some time to talk about what has been going on lately. The kids wore their Bobo Choses clohtes we found at ORANGE MAYONNAISE, but Jeanne had a little accident when we arrived at the café. Thank you, sweet stranger, who offered us a diaper so the girl wouldn’t have to walk around in her naked bum for the rest of the day. Because yes, this mama did not bring a spare outfit, whoops.
Zondag was het tijd om wat tijd door te brengen met ons vier. De laatste weken was het zo druk en we hadden nood aan wat ‘quality time’. We gingen naar Brussels waar we wat wandelden in onze favoriete buurt en gingen lunchen in het Chicago Café. Perfecte plek om te eten met kinderen. Een grote speelhoek en verkleedkoffer houden de kindjes bezig, terwijl de ‘grote mensen’ rustig (nu ja, rustig is een groot woord, aangezien er uiteraard nog een heleboel andere kinderen waren) kunnen praten. 
De mini’s droegen hun nieuwe Bobo Choses outfit van bij ORANGE MAYONNAISE, al had Jeanne al snel een accidentje (beetje te enthousiast toen ze al het speelgoed zag). Danku lieve mensen die ons een pamper aanboden waardoor Jeanne toch niet de rest van de dag in haar blote billen moest rondlopen, want uiteraard had ik -wederom- geen reserve outfit meegebracht, whoops. 
M Word mag, bobo choses, orange mayonnaise, chicago café, family time, fashion for kids, kids fashion, cute kids clubDSC_5328M Word mag, bobo choses, orange mayonnaise, chicago café, family time, fashion for kids, kids fashion, cute kids clubM Word mag, bobo choses, orange mayonnaise, chicago café, family time, fashion for kids, kids fashion, cute kids clubM Word mag, bobo choses, orange mayonnaise, chicago café, family time, fashion for kids, kids fashion, cute kids clubDSC_5354M Word mag, bobo choses, orange mayonnaise, chicago café, family time, fashion for kids, kids fashion, cute kids clubM Word mag, bobo choses, orange mayonnaise, chicago café, family time, fashion for kids, kids fashion, cute kids clubCredits –
Outfits BOBO CHOSES via ORANGE MAYONNAISE | Jeans Jules I DIG DENIM | Schoenen via | CONVERSE 

Photography and styling –
Isabel with NIKON D7200
For the original post, see Mword mag blog

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