juli 25, 2019


Mini Rodini’s autumn collection AW19 Stay Weird 
celebrateskids that go their own way and dare to be themselves.
The world needs people that stick out from the rest. It can
be that they are unable to - or don´t want to - fit in, that makes
them different. There is so much emphasis in society to be
perfect and that’s wrong, says Cassandra Rhodin,
Creative Director and founder of Mini Rodini.
The inspiration behind AW19 is a mix of references from
the movie Stand By Me to the author Goethe and
Cassandra’s own childhood, and presents original artwork
and prints - featuring Flying Birds, Skeletons, Scorpios,
Bristling Cats and Guinea Pigs. 

The prints with guinea pigs
comes from a picture Cassandra came across when she did
her research for the collection.
– I found an image of Princess Diana as a child with her guinea
pig Peanut. It awoke a sentimental feeling inside of me. Once
upon a time she was a shy kid that tried so hard to fit in.

True to the brand’s dedication to sustainability, one of the
seasonal novelties is that the Mini Rodini Basic assortment
is now produced in Tencel instead of 100% GOTScertified
cotton. TENCEL™ is a wooden fibre that feels soft
and breathes - a great sustainable alternative to cotton
- produced in an advanced “closed loop process”, with
minimal impact on the environment and with an economical
use of energy and water.

SHOP the new collection HERE
at Orange Mayonnaise (World Wide Delivery)

About Mini Rodini

Mini Rodini was created in 2005 
by illustrator Cassandra
Since then the childrenswear brand has become
known for its unique prints, great quality, and dedication to
sustainability. The playful patterns are original artwork by
Cassandra, inspired by everything from wildlife and pop
culture, as well as the fantasy and free spirit of children.
The clothes have been picked up by celebrities such as
Beyoncé and Liv Tyler. 
During spring 19 Mini Rodini opened its
first flagship store in London, located in the heart of Notting
Hill, on 237 Westbourne Grove. The brand has 500 global
retailers and a loyal fanbase of customers all over the world, 
and we are 1 of the for sure !


Sustainability is in the DNA of Mini Rodini
They carry one of the most sustainable ranges on the market.
The collections include over 99 % products made from
sustainable materials yearly. By sustainable materials, we
mean non-conventional materials that have a lower impact
on nature and human health, such as organic cotton, Tencel, recycled
polyester, and Modal®.

No killing of animals
Mini Rodini is a brand that never uses leather, skin, fur or
feathers. They believe that it is possible to create great clothes
for kids without it being at the expense of the environment,
animals and humans.

Living wage project
They always try our best to improve the working conditions
for the workers who make the Mini Rodini products. In 2016 Mini Rodini
started a Living Wage project, where they researched living
wage estimates in the factories they source from. They then
worked out a system to fill in the gaps and made sure the
wages not only covered basic needs, but would also cover
personal development as well as the ability to make some
savings. By AW2018, 37% of the products were made by
workers receiving a living wage premium.

juli 18, 2019



Bobo Choses’ AW19 collection looks at the story of Benny Benson, the 13-year-old
Chignik boy who entered a contest for designing the flag for the Territory of Alaska
in 1927. 
He looked to the sky for inspiration, choosing the familiar constellation he
looked for every night before going to sleep at the orphanage. 
Benny’s design was
chosen over 700 other submissions to represent the future of the Alaska Territory to
the present days.
Like Benny did once, we also looked up to the sky to discover that there’s a flag that
links to all of us, the Universe.
Dedicated to all those kids who know we are all made of stars.


juli 17, 2019


AW19 Collection Launch Today!

A night out under stars - walking miles with a map marked out in grids, a torch, a diamond compass and set of notes in order to find each check point.

A team of 7, all friends with stories to tell and happy hearts at the end of their night hike.
His One Luxury item, a set of playing cards & a bag of sweets which he hide in his bag.

Beau's growing up, they all do...
but he still LOves as many things as he did when Beau LOves began...

Diamond Copmass Point
I Heart You
Playing Cards Knit
Herats Knit

Washed Pink, Jersey, Italian Fleece, Waterproof Rain Wear, Knitwear

Accessories include:
 Woven Bag and Purse

All mixed together with lots of layers & Wes Anderson Vibes

Xx Team Loves


juli 12, 2019



Wir lieben den Sommer und haben richtig Lust auf Abenteuer im Freien. Da darf die passende Sommermode nicht fehlen. Lässig soll es aussehen, aber auch praktisch funktionieren für all die kleinen Tobereien im Wasser. In Zusammenarbeit mit Modefotografin Liselotte Habets inszenierten wir die neue Bademode für Kinder unter dem Motto „Kleine Camper“, die mit sporty Looks, knalligen Streifen und Badestyles Lust auf Sonne macht.

Fotos & Art Direktion: Liselotte Habets
Stylistin: Ora Bollegraaf
Hair and Make-up: Carmen Gonzalez
Models: Puk, Nizayli and Zosja
Outfits: Orange Mayonnaise

Little Miss Sunshine

Langärmelige UV-Einteiler sind die neuen Bikinis – besonders wenn sie mit knalligen Streifen und coolen Motiven daherkommen. Straßentauglich wird die Kinderbademode mit knalligen Kniestrümpfen und lässigen Vans!

Badeanzug: Mini Rodini, Socken: Evers, Sneakers: Vans

Kleine Streifenhörnchen

Wer dachte, die Mode hat sich an Streifen satt gesehen, hat weit gefehlt. Auch in diesem Sommer erobert der Marine Look wieder die Kindermode. Diese Saison in pastelligen Candy Colors – unter anderem gesehen bei Wolf & Rita.

Shirts and Shorts: Zara, Haarband: Atelier des femmes

Cooles Köpfchen

Achtung, Kopfbedeckung nicht vergessen! Bei tropischen Temperaturen und starkem Sonnenschein sind schützende Hüte und Caps und Schirmmützen bekannt. Zum coolen Bucket Hat gesellen sich neonfarbene Caps im Retro Look. Verspielter wird es mit romantischen Tüchern und Haarbändern, zum Beispiel von Atelier des femmes. Für den perfekten Sommerlook wird die neue Cap zu assymetrischen Shirts und Badeanzügen kombiniert. Die passenden Slides mit bunten Strümpfen dürfen natürlich auch nicht fehlen!

Badeanzug: Mini Rodini, Shorts: Hema, 
Badeanzug: Yporqué, Haarband: Atelier des femmes

Badeanzug: Gardner and the Gang, Cap: Party Shop

Es knallt im Farbtopf!

Von wegen nur langweilig und einseitig. Badenzüge können auch verdammt cool – zum Beispiel mit knalligen Farben und skurillen Motiven (gesehen bei Mini Rodini). Funktioniert auch wunderbar zur kurzem Denim Shorts!

Badeanzug: Mini Rodini, Shorts: Hema, Badeanzug: Hema


For the original post, see LunaMag.de
Or shop more SWIMWEAR at Orange Mayonnaise > HERE <