The magical universe of Bobo Choses is born out of original stories and poems.
Eventually, the characters come to life in the form of prints, shapes, and products.
With each collection, they also publish a book with the story that inspired it.
Enjoy the We Cosmos animated Book by Bobo Choses !
The book looks at the story of Benny Benson, the 13-year-old Chignik boy who entered a contest for designing the flag for the Territory of Alaska in 1927. He looked to the sky for inspiration, choosing the familiar constellation he looked for every night before going to sleep at the orphanage. Benny’s design was chosen over 700 other submissions to represent the future of the Alaska Territory to the present days.
Like Benny did once, Bobo Choses also looked up to the sky
to discover that there’s a flag that links to all of us,
the Universe.
Discover the We Cosmos printed book HERE in our shop.
Check out the rest of the Bobo Choses collection HERE .
Shop Bobo Choses here ! at Orange Mayonnaise
Shop Bobo Choses here ! at Orange Mayonnaise